This is a classic example of what having a strong willed daughter is all about. Once she sets her mind to it, there is no turning back. No amount of "this may not be a good idea" will get her to change her mind.
So Abby put on an outfit that sparkled. Dean's role was a clown that told jokes and I had to put on something fancy. Unfortunately, it poured rain, so we couldn't do the show in the front yard for all the neighbors, but Abby did get her signs hung up. Other guests like a break dancing sheep and a pig wearing glasses came to sing and dance. It was quite the event and lucky for you...she's ready to host another one soon!
Here are some pictures from the gala event:
"I'm cute so please come to my big show!"
"Shoot! It's starting to rain! Let's take this show indoors!"
"Let's start with me showing you my mad dancing skills."
"A Backwards Clown!"
"I can't believe my Daddy is a backwards clown!"
"And here is the super cool pig...who can sing!"
"And here is the super cool sheep that can breakdance!"
Rest assured...this was NOT the only show Miss Abigail will do in her life! She's already scheduled another one. As we look to the future, there is no doubt that she'll be on the stage singing and dancing for real.
During one of her Taylor Swift covers, I took a voice recorder and recorded her singing so that I can create a scrapbook page for her to hear herself when she gets older. I will never get tired of hearing her sing.
Enjoy your day,