Our Easter celebration started last night when we went to church for the Easter Vigil. Going to church at 8:30 p.m. (past the bedtime of your child) is not for the faint of heart! (Especially when said child has not taken a nap!) But always being the adventurous family, off we toodled to church! We told Abby there would be a big bon fire in the cemetary to light the Easter candle and that the service would start out very quietly...hint, hint!
Abby made it until about 9:30 and did a great job. She was by far the youngest in church too. We saw baptisms and confirmations and had candles. Abby was in awe of all the cool things happening. What a beautiful service! It was special to me because six years ago I was confirmed through the RCIA program into Catholicism after growing up Lutheran.
Today marked the annual Easter Egg Hunt with the Hawley family and a yummy Easter brunch. Friday Abby saw the Easter Bunny at the Harley shop and got to ride in his side car. There were baby chicks to pet and face painting. Saturday was the annual Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt. So we have had enough candy and our ready for the new week.
Speaking of a new week...I have scheduled blog posts, so come on back to check them out!!
Here is our Easter in a photo collage:
Harley Shop:
Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt:
At the Hawley's House:
Even though fun was had by all, we haven't forgotten the reason for this blessed day. We hope your day was blessed with a renewed faith, good food, friends and fun.
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