March came in like a lamb and went out like a lamb! No lions around these parts! I cannot remember any other months of March when it didn't snow a single flake. It was beautiful up here in northwestern Wisconsin!
To celebrate spring's arrival, we went to the Heintz farm to see the baby lambs. Abby loved every minute of it - bottle feeding and feeding grain.
Then she also enjoyed feeding all the birds. (All I could think about was the Disney medley I did in 8th grade with my junior high choir friends during a concert where I was the lady feeding the birds.)
The Heintz's hobby farm is always a fun place to go! From donkeys to peacocks to lambs and chickens galore, we loved every minute of it! According to Abby, the only thing missing was Molly, but she was off at college.
Fun times, fun friends!
Enjoy the day,
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