Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy National Teach Ag Day!!!

This is my second post today!!! So scroll down to see some more Abby tales.

Today is a very special day!!! The National Association of Agricultural Educators has been working hard to designate today as National Teach Ag Day. This campaign helps to give us resources to show our students and others what being a agricultural educator means to us. Not that I am near retirement age by any means, but it is never too early to recruit exceptional future ag educators!

To celebrate this special day, the FFA is having the Staff Breakfast, then I am doing a radio interview and a newspaper interview. I have been working with Willow Marketing out of Indianapolis as one of the Wisconsin Ag Educators chosen to help get the word out.

Some people wonder why I do what I do...This video clip highlights my reasons for being an agricultural educator. Check it out!

Today, take time to thank someone who has made a difference in your life and has influenced you to choose the career you have chosen for yourself. We are all blessed to have those people in our lives. I sure appreciate Mr. Bielinski and Mr. Wendt for showing me the ropes and encouraging me to be the person I am today! Without their positive influences and the opportunities they gave me all those years ago, I am not sure who I would be today.

Truly blessed,


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