So consider me a huge agricultural advocate! I live and breathe agriculture and let others know the importance of where their food comes from. Even though I am allergic to animals, I appreciate them for the companionship and service they provide, in addition to the food they supply for our growing world. (I am also allergic to plants for that matter...thank goodness for Zyrtec D every day just so I can do my job!)
With that being said, I was SUPER excited to hear Abby talk about how she wanted to help Grandma and Grandpa Zabel on the farm during our Thanksgiving stay on the farm. Since she had never indicated an interest before, we didn't come armed with barn clothes and had to make do.
Check out Abby's boots! Also note the delightful pickle she chose to take outside with her for a "working snack."

Grandma found these boots in the far recesses of the basement and they worked out just fine. It was quite funny to watch Abby walk around since her knees were encased in the boots!
Abby set out to help with the whole process. She added the charcoal supplements to the milk.

Then she carried the big ol' bottle to the baby bulls to feed them.

The final step was feeding milk to the calves in the hutches. At Otter Creek Organic Farm, they believe that the suction of the animals nutures them more in the beginning of their lives, so for 10 1/2 weeks they live in the hutch and drink their milk from a nipple pail that's attached to the fence. They also get their starter grain too. Abby really enjoyed riding Grandma's wagon and pouring in the milk.

As an agricultural advocate and a former twice daily calf feeder, I am proud of Abby and excited that she's asking when she can go back to the farm to do it again. Too many young people today are unaware of where their food comes from and take for granted that the grocery store will always provide for them. As Abby grows up and becomes part of the agricultural world (even for short stays at Grandma and Grandpa's) I am sure she'll continue to be full of questions that I will be more than happy and willing to answer.
After all that hard work, she had one more thing on her mind...painting pictures! It was off to the kitchen table for art time with Grandma and Grandpa. Do you think she has enough paint?! hahaha You'll note she's rationalizing her decision with Grandpa Brian! :)

Again, as the holiday season is upon us I realize the blessings in my life. I was blessed to grow up on a farm. I learned things and lesson there that too few people today are learning on their own. I learned the value of hard work and dedication. Thank goodness I have those experiences to draw upon to teach young people in my classroom. I am extremely proud of my dad and Sharon for the life that they lead in helping to provide food for our growing world.
Off to count more of my blessings,