So we had a bit of a predicament as Abby found a Barbie doll that she was getting for Easter two days before it was time. Being a mean mom, I made her keep it in the box until Easter morning. So the night before the bunny was scheduled to come, Abby drafted a letter. She was especially concerned about the princess Barbie doll, that she had yet to open...
Easter morning was tons of fun as Abby quickly ran over to the hiding space to ensure that the bunny hadn't stolen the princess Barbie. Wheww!
Then it was time to hunt for her basket! Rather than all that chocolate, the Easter Bunny brought her three different movies and a Wii Fit game with fitness challenges from Dora, Diego, the Backyardigans, and Kai-lan. It's proving to be a great game for the whole family!
She also found a card in her basket as a reply to her note:
Over breakfast we talked a lot about what Easter really means and she was very interested in the religious part of the holiday, so she asked great questions and Dean and I answered them all.
Then it was time to head to the Hawley's house for the annual Easter brunch and egg hunt. This time our dear friend, Lynn came over too to enjoy the day.
Lynn- Egg Hider Extraordinare:
Lynn and Abby sorting the loot:
After the hunt, we headed to the park:
Two seconds after hitting the road - Hilarious!
You'll note the stained leggings...she biffed it coming down the hill from the park! haha I guess we had such a great time, we passed out! haha
What a fun holiday weekend!
Again, we hope you enjoyed yours as much as we did!
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